Yesterday I was going to fetch my daughter, about 5 km from our house But on the way, it rained heavily on the way, so I stopped the vehicle and took shelter under the roof of a house, not only me but also 4 other children took shelter in this place.
Some cows and bulls were roaming around the breast where we took shelter The cow and the bull climbed up to take shelter where we were standing, there was more space, but the boys chased the cow and the bull away. I also refuseπ‘, if they do not listen to the deposit So I kept quiet and waited for the rain to stop After waiting for some time, the eyes got to see a beautiful sight.
A mother stood with her five children in the pouring rain While we were afraid to go in the rain, she was having fun walking in the rain with her child and after a while they all went into the field, Harry, my eyes were on her. After some time I saw them playing in this rain water I was very happy to see him and without waiting any longer I got wet in the rain and went out to my daughter The rain was pouring down, a beautiful and happy smile was on my faceπ I have taken pictures of those people in the camera, see and comment what you think.
A small story about Duck family
Thank you for watch
Writer Rahul Mahalik it's me
Real story in my Life
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